Why are we so addicted to Memes

 Memes and Addiction.

 Even from the conception of the word meme, it has been a varied topic that no one care about until at least a while ago when Social Media was booming and memes seem to spread on the Internet way faster than any one ever imagined or even thought of, most of us have heard of memes and have seen memes on Social Media on a Daily basis, every one who might read a blog or understand what being on social media has come across these weird Images containing texts or graphics on them that make use of intelligently structured phrases or words that make us laugh and even share... heck!! share it to a lots and lot's of people that are not just looking for more of these but are even craving that someone send one of these text images to make them laugh for the day...


it's like any addiction, porn addiction, substance abuse, alcohol addiction, Social media addiction and even stuff like being hardcore addicted to your Video games and Snacks, Addiction happens when the Brain derives dopamine from certain substances which maybe or make you feel good for a short time and addiction happens when people use these substances to substantially derive dopamine out of their brains to feel better...

And Meme addiction is no less than addiction, it's comes next to Social media addiction where people would stay around to make themselves "popular" based on the amount of Social Media likes and Social Media Comments they have on their Social Media posts and social media comments, Meme based addiction is not much less. 

there are a few reason it's tied close to Social Media Addiction because they way they are use, the primary basic use of Memes on social Media are listed below:

Social media likes:

Yes, you use Memes for more Social media likes, being descriptive and funny, they tend to attract more likes 

Social media Comments:

Memes garner a lot of comments if used right, they maybe bad comments on a bad topic or good comments on a good topic and varied topics cover a lot of engagement.

Social Media followers: 

Memes can gain you a lot of social media followers as they are quirky and sometimes really cool.

due to the above reasons why social media is so much dependent of memes and memetics, once you understand what memes are and why memes would help you follow through your social media addiction and garner all of those benefits that your brain needs to be dependent on Social Media, meme addiction delivers more and more of those shares and likes once you've understood Social Media addiction. 
