Elon's Twitter Overtake, 44 billion dollars and Memes.


Elon Musk, Twitter and 44 Billion Dollars.

Was it worth it tho? Like, I would ask Elon or anyone would ask Elon if it really was, but why not? the man is always on twitter sharing picture, posts, memes and those amazing take off and landing gear all over the Hashtag that Twitter has to offer. 

Twitter and Elon had a long way to go, this most probably small but amazing way to publish stuff with less that 140 characters in any post including pictures and memes to garner the business with, any prominent figure would garner millions of followers and be popular in just a jiff with just the right amount of Tweets, and so did Elon, and if you actively follow Elon's twitter posts, you'd know that he doesn't take a day off Twitter, from everything from business, hobbies and even being funny online (it's real) he truly is the Meme lord of Twitter.

Twitter and Memes

The reason Memes and memetic science have been banned in several countries, including England and several corporate giants such as Facebook, it is truly a hobby only a Rocket Scientist, Billionaire and a TechnoKing can understand and garner around Social Media, but the truth is, he did it for free speech as he says so in many of his tweets, he want's to make Twitter a Free Speech central where people can be free to state the stuff of their mind and not get bashed or in Twitter terms "Cancelled?" (I don't know much about that meme a.k.a "Cultural unit") and voila, one of the best way to accomplish this is to buy it all together, Imagine shelling post after post after post to make it a free speech central when you can just buy it because you love it too... (or so he says!!)

Free speech and Twitter!!

Would it be a Free speech place? or would it be another huge corporate giant venture for Elon where he can say stuff like "Elongate", The meme's would say so..

Elon flooded his entire Account with memes as soon as he bought Twitter with his own hard earned cash that he made it very clear that he did it for him to convert it into a free space area (or he did so because it would be so much accessible for him to do it because he is mostly on twitter using it as a tool that no body knows how to use or even understand how to) and as being Tesla's C.E.O, owning twitter has added benefits for Elon as he is free to do what ever he seeks on twitter... Just add a permanent banner of a TESLA Cybertruck on top of Twitter which he can do so if he want's to (just saying)

As details, comparisons and plans are on the undergo to make a drastic change to this already huge Social Media called Twitter, we hope to see some amazing changes that would make Tweeting and Micro-blogging fun and free for the future generations. 

