Internet and your Data.

 Internet Data

Internet as it was invented was to store huge number of files and folders to be accessed across the world has now been revamped and is now a place where it get's products and conveniences close and accessible to you, to put it in other words, The Internet is a bunch of companies trying to know your spending behavior so they can get you your products that you want close to you maybe by providing you services or even convenience or entertainment and selling you products 

The Internet right now is mainly consistent of:

- shops
- libraries 
- games 
- services 
- data 
- data about your habits 
- entertainment and a lot of it
- people that work in it...

and more services are being added as we speak, the Internet is just a basic way of making what ever is available to humans on a daily life, like work, and having fun with friends, more accessible by taking it onto the computer and onto your screen.

Data Mining.

Data mining is a way for a company to understand you and how you behave in daily life, they understand the products and services you are likely to purchase, places you are likely to visit and things you are likely interested in and try to sell you products or services based on your habits...

most of these services or products that the Internet company knows about is by understanding keywords that you particularly type in and things that you are interested in say you buy a book about "hiking" and the company uses that data and tries to sell you stuff about hiking gear, hiking places and even sweet deals on trip available for hiking...

it's just a bunch of companies trying to sell you what you want and what you might purchase based on what you already have in your pockets or your past purchases and behavior...

Internet advertisements.

Internet advertisements are based on a broader range where the internet companies keep you, maybe say, you like stuff about particular restaurant or a certain type of food, the companies leverage this data to scan through and give you particular advertisements based on likes and dislikes if some company is advertising online or on the Internet, it benefits both you and the company that is advertising and it brings the vendor and buyer closer.

Is Internet Data Mining bad?

No, Internet data mining and the data a particular company can mine of the table is competitive and are strictly regulated by the respected governments to keep it's citizens safe and even secure, sure, companies that are purely social might look into your chat's sometimes, but that behavior is these days regulated mainly by governments and other entities that fight for these rights and restrict behavior that is extreme and un-natural.

it might look extreme but the companies that mine data off you are only mining data based on your purchases or the stuff that you like and share to the Internet and are sometimes secretive about what you would post and you yourself can regulate what data you can share with the companies except if it's from say... a free service the company offers where you put in your details that would be willingly giving off your data to the company that asked you for it.
