Social Media and Bad Mental health.

Does Social Media cause bad Mental Health?

What can I say except... Sometimes.., well, bad mental health is caused by circumstances that are violent or bad in real life and even on Social Media, bad things can happen, there are so many causes that lead to many violent to disorderly maniac episodes or depression or being suicidal also happen in real life and even on Social Media. 

The most and the largest cause for bad mental health on Social Media is caused by bullies, stalkers, bad behavior, cyberbullies, bad social media following and people that don't understand or don't appreciate people or in generality, Social Media world and real world being two different things and a person would get sucked into this fantasy universe that they live in and people don't understand them... (which would happen in rare cases, don't bother these beautiful souls)

So, saying, I would detail you about these causes and why people would get suicidal in this short but sweet blog (as I've been an administrator for a Facebook group which hit 200K 5 year ago... so yeah) 

Mental health

Mental health bad or good, every human being has to go through it, if it's something natural or cause that is normal, like, say... Seasonal change, old memories that were beautiful or being in a slump, these are fine like any other seasonal fever or cold that would make your immune system strong and healthy once they leave and are not harmful or bad to the human being, but if they are un-natural causes or accidents that spell disaster on a human beings life, it's not okay and Social media is the only place that happens rampantly and causes are sometimes bad and disgusting. 

Social Media puts you through these bad causes where the bad mental health causes are created and a person is put through these tests and trials where they might win or lose and depending on the circumstances they would go through these huge implications of bad mental health and which might be cure able or sometimes incurable and chronic and would lead to an overall bad life and living. 

Major Causes of Bad mental health on Social media :-

- CyberBullies
- Bad Social Media Following
- Trolls 
- unsupportive crowd 
- unsolicited stalkers 
- cyberstalking 
- leaking of personal data 

How to be safe and sound. 

The answer is simple, do not indulge in extra curricular activities that are intentionally or unintentionally harmful to you, your social media followers or your over all social group, saying, stay with your group, stranger danger and if I don't know you, you don't know me, the laws that apply in real life also apply on Social Media and it's kinda bad if you ever cross these lines that you wouldn't dare cross in real life....

saying, stay safe as you stay safe on Social media as in Real life...

Social Media is just another extension to Real life.
