Chinese Social Media and How to tackle your insecurities about them.

 Things wrong with Chinese Social Media.

As we all know, China has been wildly accused of being the worst country that would spy on it's citizens or so much so the communist regime will detain or even take away or strip it's citizens of it's freedom sometimes, and a Chinese Social Media is nothing sort of weird, when you actually understand why China takes your personal data, that doesn't mean that they are up to no good with it, and more over so, the sole purpose of your data would be either to use it to better their companies, product making or even how to get you down if you start a fight with them (including me if they are too cautious as china is nothing but a bunch of overly educated people in an overly populated country with some highly skilled and highly sustainable background and the girls there are cute).

And as The Chinese regime taking your data doesn't make you feel nervous, China through out the world has been accused of being that country that would take their sole grind out to overrule you with their one and only Communist way of living where you do everything to make people work for the country and be the best in the World.

Social Media and it's roots.

At first, Social Media was a way to connect to your friends and family through the Internet, where people can upload stuff about themselves and connect and chat with people from their families or with their neighbors or friends or even people that stay in different countries than them, but at the advent of the decade, Social media took a turn down the 'control Alley', big businesses, huge personalities, and even people selling stuff on the go is fairly common and mostly confusing these days...

Imagine a place where people would come together and socialize would see banners and ads and even markets made by the big businesses, the huge celebrity market just showing off their daily life in and out of the screen and even small time vendors selling stuff like 'Second hand motor bike for sale in your city' which won't just confuse you but also make you think "How did it turn out to be like this"

China Capitalizing on Social Media.

Before the turn of 2020, there was this simple but elegant Social Media that got released which had previous versions of it from America but the catchy and simple Scroll down to the endless dismay made the Social Media a real hit among every age group in the nation and made some really amazing part of the population of the World look back to how making and using Social Media has been changed for ever again, this seemingly inconspicuous tool for publishing a short video over to your friends and followers to be able to communicate and say how you've maybe celebrated your birthday, or that trip or how you sneaked your phone into school to make a video of your teacher turned into the dark alley way faster than what other social media have expected, imagine being the tool made for making and sharing your daily life turn into this escapade where teens would dance and sing on it 24/7 instead of sharing their usual life (guess china didn't know it would turn into this online conundrum where people would do that...)

Turn of the Decade on Social Media.

Fast Forward 3 years later after the whole advent went down and how all the Chinese Social Media is filled with junk of 18 year olds hyping people that act certain way to turn them on into mindless junkies of the same stuff that they've been hyping on, this endless cycle of who is the most craziest to the most sexually outward people that think them making these Social Meida videos would spread sexual positivity but on the other hand ashamed of their own actions would incite violence on themselves and other because of their short lived fame on his endless but never ending scroll...

Welcome to the era of Micro Celebrity.

The term 'Micro Celebrity' (which I've decided to write and entire blog about later) is on our doorsteps, no one knows you are a celebrity on this little video sharing apps on the other side of the world or out of your viewer base, no matter how hard you try, you won't be as big as these celebrities that show up on television or on the News with a broad range of viewership and people from different walks of life know them, but Micro Celebrity is just as such that people only from certain part of a certain viewership of only a certain place would know you for what you do on your profile and this is mostly short lived and not upto the expectation of the World of being popular and famous.

China through Social Media.

We do not actually know if China made this all up or if China is using your data for a malicious purpose as they accuse China of being a bad nation of if China is upto no good on the Social Media with all these new hazardous things popping up all over their Social Media and how teens mindless of everything are running for Fame and Popularity on these micro groups of people that would just bundle you along all these new runners they would see everyday on social media but be aware of these circumstances that we are not sure and even if we are... 'Deal with it', this is how World works, it's cruel and obnoxious and we can't do anything about it so get on with your life.
