Isekaied, Isekai, other World Genre Anime.

Isekaied or Isekai

is the phrase or word you would have heard in any anime community or group if you were living through the pandemic and were on Social media 24/7, but I wouldn't blame you if you are from around this discussion topic or if your friends around you have a wide understanding of the above given phrase and know what it means.

Welcome to the dark corners of the Internet where we talk about stuff like it's okay to talk about, heck if you can draw it, you can talk about it and even make money out of it... But realizing this, Isekai is a genre that is not new to the Anime community and is arguably one of the most noted new age genres that have come around by far, the amount of detailed talk about the genre has raised speculations and drove people mad to even perform these acrobatics in real life in search for the other world.

Isekai on Anime discussion Groups

although it's okay to talk about many varied stuff like Rape, incest, hitter, killing, murder, necrophilies,  which anime makes it a bit fun to talk about, Isekai is by far one of the most non-atrociously common denomination of discussions that went on in the Anime communities all over the Internet, so much so that people are ready to go to Japan and lose their lives in front of a truck anytime or whenever they can and they think it seriously.

Isekai, What is?

Isekai is a genre of Anime where people meet their dire fate and end up alive in another world away from Earth or away from this reality and retain all the memories of their previous life, as much of a fantasy, there are many and more titles coming up on this genre and there is an entire section on any anime websites that you can watch these Anime show on

Isekai, what is wrong with it then?

as much as it is a fantasy made up with a bunch of Anime characters that go to the other world to live, many kids and adults believe that it's true that they can have a life after death, seemingly harmless jokes such as 'I would want to go to Japan to die in front of a Truck' surfaced on the Internet and more and more so is this belief that once you die in front of a truck in Japan, you would have another life retaining all the memories form this one is a belief that already took on in many people that would seriously discuss doing these stunts ...

Weird? it's true, sometimes life can be crazy, sure do watch these anime but don't try an of it, lol.
