How far is too far.

 Virtual Reality

We've already seen them, these bulky face covering headsets that take you to another, these huge VR gadgets hanging out in front of your eyes, or these overly bulky things that sometimes give a pain on your ears by carrying them....

what ever their size maybe, Virtual Reality is finally here and it's heading into the future really really really fast and furious (not the movie), and many companies that provide you with these services are here to give you more than you expected 

here are the common uses of  Virtual Reality gear:- 

- Entertainment 
- Communication 
- Education 
- Sight Seeing 

and a bunch more to name a few, 

Virtual reality as it is right now is far below the point expected to be utilized in the future and some of the claims or even reality that is being projected by virtual reality is 

- Interactive data visualization

- Real time Graphical Manuals 

- Interactive Education modules 

and much more, that means, you can repair your car and bike like Sci-fi without any prior knowledge just by using your VR headsets (when they turn transparent).

Is Virtual Reality bad? 

depends on the usage, if you use it for hours and hours together for entertainment or spend needlessly on an accessory that you want in that virtual reality game or spend too much time using it to satisfy your carnal need for entertainment, then you are on the wrong track

How far is too far?

Most of the Industries that have come forward to offer you Virtual Reality consoles are trying to make the interactive, and entertaining. But while doing so, can these companies take it too far and turn humans into this dystopia of life and how we are actually already alive with our smartphones sticking our faces to them 24/7? If that would ever happen, you need to know that it's just another Tool in the gallery and you shouldn't let it bother you much or you have to know that it doesn't offer you much for what is real life and stuff that is fantasy. 

Is Cyber dystopia with VR real? ... It depends on how you see and use technology, a few of us are living in a dystopia while the others are barely using it to look into conveniences and make their time worthy of living by doing the other stuff that makes life beautiful...

any man made Tool can be used for warfare or making your food with it, it depends on how you see and use it and if you take it too far, it's bad for your own self.

How to make use of VR most effectively.

Plainly, use it as the time suggests, just as much as you would use your Smartphone or you computer or your television, 

Don't over indulge, sure, the virtual environment might look like it's pleasing and more comforting but you have to live in reality and see that you know why reality is way better than being in an online life.

Make yourself available to the other entertainment that life offers and that are around you so you know it's not just you. 

and if you are addicted or some other for of mental issues, consult the therapist as always.

Stay Safe.
