Social Media Addiction and Online Time


 Social Media Addiction.

So, what is Social Media Addiction and how is it caused and why did I use an image from the matrix to start this blog off? is this a meme? you might be having so many thoughts but hear me out... 

Social Media addiction is like any other normal addictions, The Brain derives feel good chemicals like Dopamine from sources other than naturally occurring substances such as a great meal, socializing with friends, sex, great evening walk, Ice cream. 

Social Media and the buzz involved in the more than instantaneous speed of information sharing and how people can react to the information and how in-turn these corporations use the information and data to keep their audience captivated and around makes social media as addictive a substance, just like how social media would urge you to tell people about the new book that you bought, it would even urge you to stay around until all of your friends finished sharing their day's advice and people fall for this trap, trap as it is, it's even this delirious and a funny world ('Just as in VR' but analogue) does it make you involved in a way that is legally binding if you keep yourself available.

who is susceptible?

Just about anybody, the faint buzz of knowing that people around you, people far away from you, people you've met on some random social media group, or people you don't even barely know are noticing stuff that you share and are reacting the way the particular social media tells you is a great time killer, more so, this attention makes your brain think that it's okay to be a slave for these type of institution that do not exist in the real world but online.

Now, let's not discuss about who, but let's talk about how, how are people of different age groups susceptible?

Teens :-

Teens are the most susceptible because of the savvy new age entrepreneurs made social media sites to be mainly available for their age group and a bunch of people that would use their Social Media for the sake of using it for a really long time so they can put advertisements on it.

Adults :- 

Adults are into it for the benefits and how the new age Technology is rapidly changing the way people consume their products and data and the entertainment that follows, but these benefits soon turn into addiction and of a viral sort that is gripping their everyday lives. 

What is online time?

Online time is the amount of time a person spends online, or the total aggregate of time someone stays online in a way, online time is the sum of all the seconds you are online scrolling through your news feed, some people have a massive online Time

If your Online time exceeds 15 minutes Max everyday, you are addicted to Social Media no matter what people say about it.

Effects on life.

- Time consuming
- changes in behavior
- Receding from real life Social interactions 
- change in Social Interaction patterns.
